Homeopathy Quick Start Guide

for Christian Moms

Are health and financial stressors creating tension in your home? These challenges can often lead to marital and parenting disagreements, making peaceful solutions harder to find. Homeopathy offers a natural, biblically aligned, and hope-filled approach to health and wellness that is also more affordable than most conventional options.

The Homeopathy Quick Start Guide for Christian Moms helps families like yours confidently navigate everyday health and wellness challenges. With homeopathy, you can reduce stress, take charge of your family’s health and wellness, and focus on what truly matters: building a peaceful, harmonious, God-centered home.

Learn the four essential things you need to get started with this biblically aligned and hope-filled method of family wellness care. This Homeopathy Quick Start Guide is your first step to confidently using homeopathy. 

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This Quick Start Guide Will Help You...

  • Change your mind set from conventional to natural and homeopathic care.
  • Find quality reference materials for choosing a homeopathic remedy.
  • Start your toolbox of homeopathic remedies.
  • Confidently dose homeopathic remedies in acute situations.

Hey there! I'm Amanda... It's nice to meet you!

Amanda Pelser

Certified Homeopath - PHom, H.Hom
MA Old Testament Studies

Amanda Pelser is a wife, a homeschooling mom of four boys, and an aspiring homesteader. After finding herself bedridden with chronic pain, fatigue, and autoimmune conditions, Amanda was left hopeless by the conventional medical community. Desperate for a change, she used her background as a seminary-trained researcher to integrate her Christian faith with the practice of homeopathy and reclaim her health. With 10+ years of experience using homeopathy, now, as a certified homeopath, Amanda gives hope to Christian moms who are ready to find biblically aligned health for themselves and their families.

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